Here at Collegiate Sports Medicine, we give you the freedom to do just that!

You are so busy with work, sport & just living your lives – you don’t have time to be injured! So in order to get back to living like you did before an injury, we believe the control should be in your hands.

You may only need 3 treatments to get better and an ideal schedule can be set up to best utilize those 3 visits. 3 treatments in one week may be better than 1 treatment a week for 3 weeks and cost the same amount of money and get you on track sooner. Always ask what is ideal and what you can do to expedite the process. “You” are a big part of your own medical team!

  • What you do between treatments helps
  • How you eat helps
  • The quality of your sleep helps
  • Your stress levels being in check helps
  • Your hydration levels help
  • Your common sense helps
  • Listening to your body helps
  • Knowledge & understanding of your injury helps you emotionally
  • Doing your prescribed home exercise program helps

Our Team is fueled by your passion to get better. We focus on one-on-one interaction and assessments. What sets us apart from other clinics is that we have an educational approach. This means that we take time to explain your diagnosis and the anatomy involved. As well, we teach you appropriate exercises and send you home with a program in order to continue on your own, until next treatment.

We work together as a team to send you home after treatment feeling confident that you are in control of your healing process. Due to this approach, you never become dependent on your therapist and their services. Instead, you have the ability to direct yourself through the healing process with knowledge and confidence which ultimately controls your independence!

If you are seeing a practitioner who keeps you coming back with no end in sight and no timelines to your Care Plan, you should really be asking them “what is the plan to be independent”? Some treatment plans are ongoing or preventative in nature and in that case, you will be expecting ongoing, lifelong care for such things as chronic disease or congenital conditions. Know the Plan. Be Informed! At Collegiate Sports Medicine Inc our goal is to get you back on track with skills and knowledge to be independent.