Injuries happen in every sport, and can happen at any time. Some can be prevented through proper form and conditioning, but other injuries can happen in an instant. As with any other sport, volleyball has injuries that occur more frequently than others. Here are the most frequently treated injuries that happen to volleyball players.

Ankle Sprains

This is one of the most common injuries in volleyball. Typical ankle sprains are either classed as an inversion or eversion sprain. These types of sprains affect the outside and inside ligaments respectively. Ankle sprains can be very frustrating injuries that recur easily if not properly rehabilitated before returning back to sport. Read more about ankle sprains here!

Patellar Tendinopathy

This injury occurs due to the repeated jumping movements involved in volleyball. The four muscles of the quadriceps all attach just below the kneecap via the patellar tendon. Repeated stress to this tendon can result in the slight breakdown of the tendon. This is referred to as a “tendinopathy”. 

Typically injuries such as this become progressively debilitating, eventually leading to a need to take a break from practices and games.

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS)

This long winded title refers to non-specific knee pain. But it is hard to call this an “injury” as there is no tissue damage, only a painful sensation around the knee. Typically this injury results from weak muscles around the hips. When these muscles aren’t strong enough they allow the knees to collapse inwards during all types of movements. When the knee collapses inwards it forces the patella (kneecap) to move away from its natural tracking position. This leads to knee pain and can become progressively more debilitating if not treated early.

Rotator Cuff Strains

The rotator cuff muscles are a group of four muscles that all originate on the back of the shoulder: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor. The main role of these four muscles is to stabilize the shoulder joint, preventing damage to the joint itself. These muscles are heavily involved in overhead sports such as volleyball, and can become susceptible to injury if the shoulder is not in an ideal position when making contact with the ball. 

Thumb/Finger Sprains

Almost every volleyball player has experienced the feeling of “jamming” their fingers and/or thumb. These sudden jolting movements can bend the joints in directions they normally do not move in, causing damage to the ligaments. In some situations, you can jam a finger and shake it off within a few points. However, sometimes there is more damage that results, leading to more pain and swelling around the joint. 

Our Team Can Help. If you would like some advice just give us a call.

Brynna Maloughney, Certified Athletic Therapist
Brynna Maloughney Athletic Therapist Collegiate Sports Medicine

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