Sports Nutrition

Therapy With Results!

Dieting and Nutrition

“In fact a great diet cannot make an average athlete elite, but a poor diet can make an elite athlete average” Ron Maughan

What Sets Us Apart

  • Specialty in Sport Nutrition and General Nutrition Counseling.
  • One-on-one nutritional counseling and personalized recommendations.
  • Analysis of current diet.
  • Custom meal plans.
  • Special needs diets for Diabetic Athletes.
  • Healthy weight loss techniques.
  • Workshops for groups and teams.
  • Seminar presentations on a variety of nutrition topics.
You compete how you eat! 
Optimal Sports Nutrition ensures that you have the tools you need to maximize exercise performance. The properly fueled and hydrated body is an amazing machine-capable of breaking barriers and beating out the best in competition. Improve your endurance, speed, agility, and energy.
Download our clinic’s e-brochure on Sports Nutrition

Interactive Team Work Shops

Choose from a variety of topics including:

  • Competitive nutrition
  • Nutrition for endurance sport
  • High intensity sport nutrition
  • Sport nutrition for travel
  • Fueling young athletes

Additional topics available upon request.

A 3-day food record may be needed prior to first consultation. Contact Collegiate to receive the food record document or to inquire about booking group workshops and seminars at 403-314-4458.


A sports nutritionist can work with you to customize a meal plan for your personal needs and unique sport demands:

Fuel & Refuel Muscles

Before, during, and after exercise, energize your muscles with a carbohydrate-rich diet. Avoid overall poor performance due to depletion of glycogen stores or low blood sugars. Meeting energy requirements is a top priority for any athlete to improve performance as well as overall strength and endurance. Low energy intakes can result in loss of muscle mass, menstrual dysfunction, loss or failure to gain bone density, and increased risk of fatigue, injury and illness.

Design Customized Meal Plans

A meal plan can help you to achieve weight or body composition goals. Optimal weight and body composition taken together may affect an athlete’s potential for success within a given sport. Body weight can influence an athlete’s speed, endurance, and power, whereas body composition can affect an athlete’s strength, agility, and appearance.

Analyze Your Current Diet

Find out how your diet measures up. Computerized analysis of food records can help pinpoint areas for change or inadequacies.

Determine Your Body’s Requirements for Protein & Fat

It is true that protein is important to repair muscle tissues after exercise, but most protein needs are met with a well balanced diet that meets energy needs. Fat provides energy as well as fat-soluble vitamins; both high and low-fat diets can have negative effects on health.

Maximize Your Hydration Levels

Sweating can lead to dehydration, especially during exercise in the heat. Even a small amount of dehydration can significantly impair performance.

Sort Out Confusion About Dietary Supplements

The supplement industry is a multi-billion dollar business promoting unproven products to athletes looking for a performance edge. Often the purity and effectiveness of supplements cannot be guaranteed and naive consumption can lead to banned substance disqualification!

Advice on Vitamin & Mineral Supplementation

Supplementation may not improve athletic performance for an athlete eating a balanced diet. Risk for deficiencies of vitamins and minerals occur when athletes restrict food intake, rapidly lose weight, or eliminate food groups from the diet.

Put Together Your Training Diet

What to eat and drink before, during and after exercise, training or competition.

Vegetarian Athletes

Maintain good health and optimize training or sports performance. An increasing number of athletes are adopting vegetarian diets for ecological, economic, ethical, religious, and health reasons. With careful panning vegetarian diets (except possibly fruitarian and strict macrobiotic diets) can easily meet the nutritional requirements of all types of athletes.

Does It Hurt When Your Sit For Periods Of Time?

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Athletic Therapists are known for their work in the sports industry but are also experts in assessment and rehabilitation & are effective in treating a wide range of injuries. See the Athletic Therapy page for more information.

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